The Only None-Racist Party Committed to Withdrawing from the E U

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MEP for the South East region.
Educated at Dulwich School. He runs his own commodity broking business in the City of London.

He was a founder member of the UK Independence Party in September 1993 and has been on the executive ever since. In 1994 he contested the Eastleigh by-election and the European election for Itchen, Test and Avon (highest anti-federalist vote in the country) and in 1997 the General Election for Salisbury. He was previously the Party Chairman.

He is married, and has two sons and a daughter. When he has the time he is a 3 handicap golfer and a sea fisherman.

Graham has been married twice. His Wife, Pamela, is very supportive of his work for UKIP. They have five children and ten grandchildren between them.

Born in 1940 in Paignton, Devon, he has lived there all his life. Educated at Torquay Boys Grammar School, he left at 16 to work for Lloyds Bank for four years.

With his brother John, a carpenter, and with the help of sub-contractors, he built five bungalows over six years (three for John and two for himself), thus saving the builders profit margin and both ending up mortgage-free in their early twenties.




In October 2002 former Government Minister Roger Knapman was elected leader of the U.K. Independence Party.



Former Party Leader and MEP for the Eastern region.
He joined the family firm in 1954, became managing director in 1970 and sold the business in 1989. In 1997 he stood for the Referendum Party in Harwich for the General Election and returned the highest vote for the Referendum Party in the UK. He is married, with four adult children.