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The EU Constitution

EU Draft Constitution
On-line Petition

The government tells you the EU Constitution is just a tydying up excises judge for yourself if giving away our laws ans humane rights is just tyding up.

Below are some major points of the proposed EU Constitution, to prove what we are telling you the points below have associated links through to the EU's own web server.

  • Article 1-6 - The Union shall have legal personality.
  • Article 1-10 - 1. The Constitution, and law adopted by the Union's Institutions in exercising competences conferred on it, shall have primacy over the law of the Member States.
  • Article 1-14:(1) - The Member States shall coordinate their economic policies within the Union.
  • Article 1-14: (4) - The Union may adopt initiatives to ensure coordination of Member States' social policies.
  • Article 1-21: (1) - The European Council shall elect its President, by qualified majority, for a term of two and a half years, renewable once.
  • Article 1-27 - The European Council, acting by qualified majority, with the agreement of the President of the Commission, shall appoint the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs. He or she shall conduct the Union's common foreign and security policy.
  • Article 1-39:(4) - The common foreign and security policy shall be put into effect by the Union Minister for Foreign Affairs and by the Member States, using national and Union resources.
  • Article 40:(1) - The common security and defence policy shall be an integral part of the common foreign and security policy.It shall provide the Union with an operational capacity drawing on assets civil and military.The performance of these tasks shall be undertaken using capabilities provided by the Member States.
  • EU Law will take precedence over UK Law for all purposes. The EU Court of Justice will become our Supreme Court, and it's remit is to uphold the aims of the EU, quite unlike our Courts of Appeal
  • Article III-166 - Control of UK immigration and asylum will be transferred to the EU.-
  • Article III-21 - The EU will set security and defence policy, undermining and ultimately replacing NATO.
  • Over this year and next, the European Union is adding to its fast-growing collection of trappings of statehood by creating its own Constitution.

Designed to replace all existing EU treaties, this new Constitution has been drafted in Brussels by an appointed 'Convention' of EU politicians.

Tony Blair and his ministers have attempted to play down the importance of these latest EU changes by claiming this process is nothing more than a 'tidying up exercise'.

Yet it in reality it will involve many further powers being passed from elected national governments to the undemocratic EU and so will considerably affect the way we are governed. It will also set in stone the EU's position as the main law-maker for all Europeans. This centralisation of power threatens the democratic rights of citizens in all European countries

Despite the fundamental importance of these changes; despite many other EU-member countries deciding to hold national referendums on the issue; despite growing support for a referendum within Parliament from the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, the SNP, the Green Party and many Labour back-bench MPs; and despite 88 percent of the public saying they want a referendum, Tony Blair has said that the British people will not be allowed a say.

Why is Tony Blair so afraid to let the people decide?