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Eurostat fraud is unacceptable!

"Fraud was the reason why the EU Commission was forced to step down in 1999. Therefore it is unacceptable that the Commission now wants to make an inquiry on itself for fraud. Eurostat has for more than four years been continuing with fraud and illegal actions as if nothing had happened. We must have an independent investigating committee because there is clear evidence of fraud with contracts and secret accounts," said the president for the EDD-group, Jens-Peter Bonde on 10 July at the European Parliament in Brussels.

"This fraud has only been possible because there is no transparency and openness concerning the EU institutions. And there is no will for reform. That is why I and 199 other Members of the Convention have signed a proposal because we want to make it easier to implement transparency in the EU system. It cannot be justified that citizens have to give reasons to have open access to documents. It must be the other way around: EU institutions should have to justify why they won't allow transparency," states Jens-Peter Bonde.

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