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UKIP Somerset Events
Events for 2017 |
last Monday of every month | Wells Branch On the last Monday of every month in the rear downstairs room The Kings Head, 36 High Street, Wells, Somerset, BA5 2SG. 7pm - 10.30pm |
Thursday 19th October 2017 | Quiz Night. UKIP Bath and North Somerset Branch Autumn Special Social Event ![]() We invite all past and present UKIP members, friends and family members, and members from adjacent branches to this special social evening at the Weston Ex Services Association in Weston. Turn off the High Street into Eastfield Avenue, then take the first turn on the left. The number 14 bus stops there as well. Entrance is £2 per person (one pound goes to the Weston Ex Services Association). Added bonus - No politics! There will be teams of four, with prizes for the winning teams. Fantastic raffle. Donations of raffle prizes would be greatly appreciated. |