How Sustainable is the Population Increase in the UK?



South West MEP William Dartmouth recently answered tough questions on the UK’s population increase on the BBC Sunday Politics Show South West. Mass immigration has caused much concern for residents in South West England, especially with the ‘open door’ policy to the EU, which has caused pressure on British workers competing within the UK labour market. UKIP challenges the ‘open door’ policy, adopted by the Labour Party.

For the full interview please click the link below.

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One Comment

  1. Points on immigration well made, so let’s get out of the EU. That’s all very well, but the big issue today from a cultural point of view is not with say Eastern Europeans but with muslims, who in too many cases clearly don’t accept the way we live, for example insist on wearing all the garb including the full face veil – at least the French have had the balls to outlaw this offensive mode of dress. What is UKIP’s stance on this?


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