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We are always looking for contributing writers on a whole range of topics. Whether you’re an established journalist, just starting out, or simply have something you really want to say, if you have a piece you’d like to place with us, we’d like to hear from you. Please email [email protected]. Please note that we retain the right not to publish, and also to edit, your work.


What topics does do we cover?

We are interested in anything that interests you. Current affairs and how the party should respond, policy ideas and UKIP in the news are all high on the agenda, but we’re also happy to publish anything of more general interest in our culture section. Anything about your local branch and its achievements would be welcome! If you have an idea for an article but aren’t sure whether it would be welcome, you can take a look around the site to see what else we’ve been doing, or get in touch.


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Articles published on this site are the express property of the website and its authors, and must not be cross-posted or copied in full without permission.

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